<aside> 💡 This is the stage where Financial Institutions(FIs) set their internal working rules and manage loan related process for borrowers.


Problems Statement

  1. Old and clumsy structure in-capable of handling new loan parameters - with time banks introduce new loan parameters which make their lending process more secure
  2. No upfront system for user management - managing users and their rights from backend
  3. Lack of visual representation - a loan application consists of important numbers and a visual representation is must for bankers to grab all that data in a small interval of time. It can cost them greater NPAs also
  4. Not so great monitoring process - banks were asking borrowers to submit their financials to monitor how they are utilising their loan in their respective bank branches
  5. Lagging in trigger system - can't help with the increasing TAT - "Turn Around Time"

Deriving the solution

We started with collecting modules and understanding their purposes in bankers' life. By the end of our understanding week we had following modules with us

  1. Loan Products - to set parameters on basis of which borrowers get loan eligibility
  2. Scoring Models - to set parameters on basis of which risk is calculated
  3. EBLR/MCLR Rates - to set lending rates
  4. User Management - for internal hierarchy, user rights etc
  5. Reports - to overview the impact they have made, where they are lagging and much more
  6. Monitoring - performance tracking of loans disbursed
  7. Proposal / Teaser View - on basis of which bankers' take actions on loan applications
  8. Tools - calculators, GSTIN check, billing counts etc